
Terracotta Sunscreens

Terracotta Sunscreens

As an integral part of the facade, sunscreens provide thermal comfort, let natural light in, and help reduce blinding effects without blocking visual contact with the outside, helping bring facades to life.  Sunscreens also create depth – allowing designers to play with shadows while combining thermal comfort, control of sunlight input, and optimization of natural daylight.

Terreal North America offers a range of terracotta baguettes which can be used to build sunscreens, wall claddings, and visual screens in a variety of lengths and cross-sections.

Strong absorbers of incident solar energy, terracotta sunscreens play an equal role as horizontal reflectors.  Light “bounces” off  horizontal sunscreen surfaces and supplements direct lighting through solar radiation using indirect light, which then penetrates deeper into the room.

How terracotta sunscreens reduce energy consumption infographic from Terreal North AmericaBARRIER AGAINST EXTREME HEAT
Sunscreens cut out a part of solar radiation.  Sunshine is useful in winter for heating a building, but can become a problem in the summer – especially in buildings with large glazed areas.  The rise in the indoor temperature leads to an increased use of air conditioning – a costly and environmentally controversial solution. In summer when the sun is high in the sky, solar radiation is largely blocked by the sunscreen by either reflecting or absorbing it.  A material with a high thermal inertia, terra cotta delays and reduces the re-emission of energy absorbed within it.  Non-transmitted energy does not reach the windows, and does not heat up the interior from a “local greenhouse effect” (a disadvantage with interior sun protection, such as blinds).

In winter, incident solar radiation – produced by a sun low on the horizon – does not suffer from the presence of a sunscreen.  The shade provided is weak due to the spacing between the blades, if installed in traditional orientation on a horizontal blade.  There would then be full benefit from the reduced need for electric heat and light, all without disturbing the effectiveness of the openings normally provided in a building.  A sunscreen allows for the inclusion of larger, more “productive” bays in the design – carefully sized in relation to the orientation of the facade without the downside of overheating in summer.

Terracotta sunscreens from Terreal North America

Terracotta Cladding Sunscreens from Terreal North America

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Last Updated: 6/5/2023
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Terreal North America strategic market realignment announcement

Terreal North America, in conjunction with its parent company Ludowici, is implementing a strategic market realignment effective in and throughout 2023.  This market refocus will result in Ludowici providing manufacturer direct sales, marketing, and supply support for the complete line of NeXclad small module terra cotta wall cladding systems.  While NeXclad terra cotta cladding systems will continue to be available from Ludowici, Terreal North America will no longer offer large module terra cotta cladding and sunscreen products that are manufactured overseas.  Please visit to learn more about our made in the USA NeXclad terra cotta cladding systems.

This market refocus aligns with Ludowici’s mission to manufacture sustainable, environmentally friendly, locally sourced, and locally made terra cotta construction materials.  This market approach also brings all terra cotta construction materials produced in our New Lexington, Ohio facility under a single corporate umbrella — Ludowici. 

Customers and building owners with questions regarding this announcement, please contact Ludowici for assistance at

Rob A. Wehr
Chief Executive Officer